Okay, people. I am quite displeased with Miss Staci right now. She sleeps all day, and she works all night. What's a strapping young bear to do? She hasn't even caught me any salmon like she promised. I don't have any TV, there is no indoor pool facility, and no Lido deck on this ship! In addition, the cruise activities do not fit in with this bear's jet-setting lifestyle. So, I'm exacting revenge. Today, I snuck out of my stateroom and took my own tour of the Oscar Dyson all by myself - something Miss Staci never did for me. I am also on an auxillary mission to find salmon. I also took over her blog to make sure that you have all of the pictures so maybe YOU can enjoy some ship life, too. And if I find a salmon, I'll probably eat it all and there won't be any to share. That's what the Kodiak Brown Bears taught me last week. No sharing!
While Miss Staci and Miss Cat were out whale watching, I took a tour of the Oscar Dyson. |
First, I taught myself how to sail in the direction of the Salmon! |
Excuse me! I would like some order here! I'm trying to hold a meeting about the lack of salmon onboard! What? This is a Pollock ship, you say? Ok. I can eat those, too. |
Then, I took myself out to the bow of the ship! |
I found a lounge with a wide selection of movies to watch! |
The man behind the metal: Mr. Oscar Dyson himself, ladies and gentleman.
Here I am on the stairs. They are awfully steep - Miss Staci can't even climb them half the time. She's always runninginto walls on this ship. Thank God I am so stealthy and agile, otherwise I would look as silly as she does climbing stairs!
Well, I made it all the way up to the bridge. Here I am sitting in the Captain's chair - Miss Sarah, the XO let me hold the log book, too! She was very busy today avoiding whales, but she let me drive for a little bit. I think that is too stressful, and would much rather enjoy a nice nap instead of having such responsibility.
I think I will spend the afternoon salmon hunting from the flying bridge. If Miss Staci won't catch me any salmon, I guess I gotta go do it myself.
This concludes Marshmallow's tour of the Oscar Dyson. I will now put the computer back exaaaaactly where I found it so Miss Staci doesn't know I hijacked her blog and her camera. I hope you have a good idea of what the ship looks like and you can get a good sense of just how big and incredible it is! After a nice hot meal, I think I might return to whale watching. We've seen at least fifty humpback whales and even more gray whales, even two or three Orca. Miss Staci thinks they are pretty. I think they are food.
Until Next Time,
The Man
The Legend
The Marshmallow |